Reduction in Stillbirths Rates at Hospital in Hull

Well done to Hull Women’s and Children’s Hospital!

According to the Hull University Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust website, the Trust have reduced stillbirth by 36 per cent from 25 in 2016/17 to 14 so far in 2018/2019.

The Trust have adopted national guidelines to save babies’ lives. It puts helping women to stop smoking, monitoring women at risk of stillbirth more closely and checking babies’ heart rate during labour more effectively have all helped to reduce the stillbirth rate.

For more information please see

It’s still early days in terms of whether stillbirth and neonatal deaths will be reduced as desired by the NHS initiative but for now, this is really positive news to read. It’s really heart warming to see a Trust taking heed of national NHS guidelines and actually putting them into action which has an effect in the desired outcome i.e. reducing stillbirth rates.

It was only a few weeks ago that I read about a hospital in Bolton reducing their stillbirth rates. I look forward to reviewing more positive news in respect of reducing our dire stillbirth rates.

If you or a loved one would like to discuss a stillbirth compensation claim or neonatal death compensation claim, please do not hesitate to contact us.